week 19

For 19 weeks now, Puff has made a great impact on our lives. This weekend saw a return to form that allowed me to take him out to a cafe in the morning while his Mum had a much needed sleep in. Because of the sunny weather, though, he had a chance to try out his sunglasses and the big stroller.

trying out the new stroller configuration, and sunglasses

We see a lot more smiles these days, but also the occasional serious face (his old screensaver face from weeks gone by).

serious face

As much as we’ve been trying to improve the amount of time we spend with him, and time we spend reading, he remains fascinated by the television. Here we see him distracted from his sitting up activities to see what’s on the box.

what's on the TV?

The rolling over is becoming more and more complex. We have yet to catch him rolling from front to back, but a few times his Mum has found him lying face up after a sleep – proof that he knows how to do it, but is too shy to share the information.

This week was the first time he rolled over while waiting for his bath to start: this triggered a brief happy mood in an otherwise unhappy boy, and there was time to grab a quick photo of a smiling Puff.

smiling before a bath

This week was also the week where we’ve decided to try out the next size up of nappies: he’s moving from infant to crawler. As you can see, he hasn’t mastered the crawling yet, but he’s certainly trying it!

practicing the crawl

We’ve bought him a portable cot, but have yet to try sleeping – that will be something for this coming week.

Firsts for the week:
* rolling both ways (but secretly)
* trying to sing along to the CDs we play in the car
* new year (which he slept through, after being awake for an 11:30pm feed)