week 17

The biggest change in the last week has been learning to roll. Mum came in to see him in his cot, and was surprised to see that he was on his belly, not on his back. Later that night, when it was time for his bath, Dad saw him roll! It was at the same time exciting, and a bit sad. Our little dragon is growing up pretty fast.

It was only a couple of days later that he started to incorporate rolling into his crying: when he’s upset now, if he’s lying (or sitting) down, he’ll try and roll – it’s a bit of a wrestling match sometimes.

We managed to get a photo of the angle that he lies in his cot:
sleeping in the cot

This has changed a bit more: with all the rolling at night, he was escaping from the blanket that was keeping him warm, and so was waking up when he was getting cold. To fix this, we’ve bought a “grow bag” – like a pillowcase with arm and neck holes that he can be zipped into: this means that no matter where he rolls, he still has a good body temperature.

With the grow bag, he’s also been sleeping more often, and for longer, even during the day, which has been great. We look for tired signs (yawning, hands shaking), and can then whisk him off to bed: he will now (generally) lie down in his cot, and be asleep in a few minutes, if we get the timing right.

When he’s playing, he is showing more interest in toys: he’s even getting better with his favourite book:

reading by himself

He’s also started to show more interest in his feet: not sure if he realises they’re his, though
playing with his feet

We were also running quite late getting Christmas cards out this year, so Mum finally took the Christmas photo that we used in cards: here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the setup for the shot.

taking the Christmas photo

Firsts for the week:
* sleeping in the grow bag
* rolling from back to front
* deliberately playing with toys – and his feet
* mum’s work Christmas party
* cruising all around the cot