week 206 / week 78

Good news – Mum is better again! Dad is still a bit sick, but we managed to stagger the illness so that the kids had someone at least moderately healthy to look after them.

Wednesday Mum was so sick that she was fast asleep at breakfast time, so Dad took the kids out so that she could rest in a quiet house. It was a beautiful day, so Dad took the kids out to Mt Annan botanic gardens.

The stroller was a necessity to give Puff something to hold onto, and Huff a place to sit.

huff and puff watching the ducks

Puff, ever more fascinated with the world of Tiny Wings took the opportunity for a rest at this bench to lay some pretend eggs, and encouraged Dad and Huff to do the same.

huff, puff and Dad at Mt Annan gardens

After a picnic lunch watching the ducks in the pond (something that Puff in particular found hilarious) we headed to the playground for some time on the swings. Dad was trying to encourage Puff to try the non-baby swing, and – apart from a minor slip-up with some of the pushing, it went well.

huff and puff on the swings

The Grandragon started her visit this Thursday, and on the weekend everyone headed down to Cronulla for lunch (and some gelato).

the grandragon, mum, aunty C and puff (huff out of frame)

After that, we went down to the beach so that Puff (and Dad, as it turned out) could play on the sand. We found a lot of shells, and even dug some sand a little: next step is to make some sandcastles.

puff at the beach

Sunday was lunch at a friend’s house – Huff and Puff had a great time on the trampoline.


Puff is doing great work looking after his little sister. When it was time to snack on some grapes this week, Puff ran to get his couch and her couch so that they could sit on couches together and snack together.

huff and puff snacking together

Huff has come a long way in her mobility this week: she can push her walker around while “walking” on her knees, and she’s a lot more interested in pulling herself up and sitting. Her she is doing some drawing at the easel.

huff drawing at the easel

We’re expecting that it won’t be long before she starts to walk, but in the meantime enjoying her smile, and gritting teeth at the squealing.

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