week 12

Twelve weeks old meant another trip to the paediatrician: and a clean bill of health again. Lots more events this week.

Puff continues to work on his neck strength whenever he can, and he’s able to keep his head propped up pretty well (except when he’s tired). This leads to some awkward moments when people try and hold him: they’re not always expecting him to suddenly throw his head or body.

building up that neck strength

Most interesting this week has been Puff’s starting to take an interest in toys. While riding in the car, he’s managed to kick his toy duck a few times, with the resulting quacking making his parents smile. He’s also started to be interested in his toy rings, and his butterfly. If you sit him up when he’s playing, he tends to look at the toys very intently.

learning to play with toys

On Thursday Puff had another clinic appointment, where he was weighed and measured.

checking his weight

On Thursday night, we had a friend visit, so we went out for dinner: we tried to have Puff sleep in the stroller, but he needed to be walked around in the sling for a while to calm down.

out for dinner

Friday night was Puff’s first trip to a Sushi Train: He was quite interested in the train part, but is still a bit too young for sushi.

first sushi train

Sunday marked another trip to Grind in Cronulla, where we bumped into another friend, and Puff managed to pull some cute faces.

looking around at grind

Firsts for the week:
– train ride into the city

– sushi train

– time interested in toys

– time kicking the duck in the car

– trip to Dad’s new work

– overnight visitor

– sleep over 8 hours (which make the nights where he doesn’t want to sleep even harder to bear)