Puff’s first week of solids has seen a big change of routine, at least for Dad. In addition to the usual events, he now sits in his chair, eating 5 large ice-cube sized cubes of finely mashed up vegetables. So far, he’s had pumpkin (probably the favourite), carrot, sweet potato and for fruits, he’s had avocado and grape (probably the least favourite). Sometimes we stir through some rice cereal.
You might not want to know this, but his nappies have – within 48 hours of his first solids – changed forever, just as the books say.
Eating is generally pretty tidy for Puff, but at some point in the meal, he tends to grab the spoon, and smear mashed food on his hands, and then onto his hair. Here’s an after-photo.
Grapes were not all that popular. To feed him grapes, they go into this strange-looking eating mesh which seems to work well at keeping the hard-to-handle parts of fruit away from a baby’s mouth.
He has a few issues at the moment with being put down on his play mat, but he’s happy enough again after a while.
As a result of eating solids, he has a lot more skill with a spoon. Here he is in a cafe, with two spoons in his mouth at once.
On Sunday, we went with the grandragon back to the airport: he coped well for a little while being up for so long. Here he is in front of another cafe.
Most of his time at the airport terminal was spent looking at the ads – he liked the flashing lights and wasn’t so interested in the planes. There was a bit of an exception, though. Here’s a shot of him with his grandragon.
Firsts for the week:
* putting his arms out to indicate that he wants to go to someone