week 197 / week 69

Not as many Puff photos as usual – he’s been a bit unwell, so we haven’t been doing as many things that need photographing. Time for a Huff update.

She’s better at expressing herself, but just as strong-willed with what she wants. Here she is using the grindenstein (usually used for cleaning up Dad’s coffee-making) to store her banana.

huff using the grindenstein for banana storage

A trip to a fun park so Mum could catch up with a friend was a chance for Huff to work on her climbing skills, and Puff to do his usual adventuring.

puff and huff on the slide

She set a new record for herself, climbing up the steps of the bouncing castle. She had a great time bouncing around on the castle, but her climbing was particularly impressive.


Saturday was a chance for Dad and Puff to get haircuts. The high-point for Puff was getting a lolly afterwards: Puff was full of advice for Dad – “if you are a good Daddy when you get a haircut, you can have a lolly”, but it didn’t pan out for Dad. 

puff - new haircut

Sunday was a trip to yumcha to catch up with old workmates. Puff wasn’t feeling well (we found out once we arrived), but we managed to grab this snap. Huff had a great time, ate a lot, and spent much of the time trying to eat with chopsticks.

puff and huff at yum cha

Huff is always trying to do things her big brother can do. Here she is practicing her drawing. 



Huff is getting better at talking too: she can say “ba” or “plis” for please, and “da” or “ta” for thank you, and something like “gya” for yes, accompanied by a nod. She can even wave and say “bye”. And this week, she’s started with her first joke. When Dad is at work, she will say “Ma?” “Ma?” “Ma?” “Ma?” and then, when mum says “What, bubba?” She will say “Da!” (Dad) and laugh. We think Puff appreciates the humour more than the grown-ups.

We also had a chance to celebrate Doc’s birthday with a visit to Grandma and Doc’s house.

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