week 142 / week 14

Everyone is back from the Queensland trip, to visit the Grandragon and the Great Grandragon, and – after a few days with no parenting tasks to do Dad is back to the more familiar routine of trying to balance working, studying, and parenting. Which is his preference, let’s be honest.

Rewind to Dad’s birthday and everyone came in to Dad’s work to have a birthday lunch. We had different noodles and soup. Puff did a good job eating, and managed to stay in a good mood even thought it was a long wait for the food to arrive!

birthday lunch with dad

Sunday was Mother’s Day, but with the flight and everything else being early on Sunday, we celebrated on Saturday. Dad pushed a little too much to get this card ready early, and there were some unhappy people, but this photo captures the aspect of the day that we wanted to remember.

mother's day

Sunday morning we were up early to pack the car – some challenges working out how Huff’s hammock was to go on the plane – and everyone was in the car ready to go to the airport. Puff walked through airport security on his own two feet, for the first time.

through airport security

After a quick breakfast at the airport, it was time to jump on the flight. Mum took this photo from the air. Puff and Huff were both good flyers.

in the air

Once in Queensland, there were lots of reunions. Puff had a great time playing with Bandit and fluffing his tail.

reunited with bandit

An trowel left in a pot-plant made for an exciting diversion for a while.

digging in the garden

And Huff had a chance to rest in the arms of her great-grandmother.

huff with the great-grandragon

Huff continues to learn new things. This week she discovered her feet – hold her at the right angle so she can see them, and she will move them around and look fascinated that such things exist. She’s starting to kick more in the bath now as well. We’re giving her more “tummy-time”, and she’s getting better at holding her head in place when she’s reclining in a corner pillow.

huff reclining

Though there’s no animosity between Huff and Puff, it’s clear that they haven’t worked out a way to play together successfully.

not happy being hugged

In Queensland, Puff also had the chance to play with his friend H. He wasn’t completely comfortable playing together with another toddler – they’re not in separate houses for nothing! We’re hoping that as Huff grows up that they learn to play well together!

Puff and H

Another fun time for him was meeting our friends’ dogs – Cookies and Custard. Puff hasn’t seen them since before he could walk!

meeting cookies and custard

We were sad to see C&J move to their new house – Puff wasn’t feeling well on the day, and took some calming down in the morning before we were ready to head down to see them. Eventually he calmed down, and had fun running around the new place (even if he was a little shy around all the people who helped).

welcome to your new house!

He was well enough to go from C&J’s house to E’s birthday party – he’s starting to understand what a birthday party is, though he’s still not a fan of sudden loud noises like a roomful of people singing ‘Happy Birthday’.

at e's party

Sunday wasn’t much better for Puff: – he spent some time in the morning resting on his couch (an easier sell for him than going back to bed) watching Hairy MacLary on DVD.

resting and watching a DVD