What a packed week! Huff had her 2 month immunisations, everyone was up very early to take Dad to hospital for half a day, we saw a lot of friends in different places, had a family outing to a cemetery, went to evening church together, and had our first successful use of the potty.
First, here’s Huff at 2 months: she’s still having epic night sleeps (6-8 hours) most days, and is spending more time awake and looking around when she’s up during the day.
She coped as well as might be expected for her 2 month immunisations. The nurse had Dad hold her up while she had the drink part of the immunisation, and then we had to lie her down on the bed, while she had the needle in each leg, and then, after less than a minute of crying, she calmed down enough to have a snack with Mum. She’s putting on weight nicely, having reached 4.87kg with a singlet and nappy on.
She continues to be happy to lie down on flat surfaces and wriggle around. Here we see (Puff’s toy) Cat posing with her.
We made a lot of jelly this week – enough that Mum found lots of ways that Puff could help in the kitchen. He continues to be good natured much of the time, though (not seen in this video) he has an increasing sense of what he wants, and what he doesn’t want.
The phrase of the week has been “Don’t talk to me [mummy or daddy]” in any context where we might give him an instruction he doesn’t want to obey. We’re not letting him get away with that particular approach, but it’s interesting to see his sense of self develop.
Sunday morning we made pancakes – Puff wolfed down 2 of these, and then finished a third, which is no small feat when you consider they were made of wholemeal flour (Dad only managed 4!)
After dropping Dad at the hospital, Mum called in on Aunty C, who took this photo of Mum, Huff and Puff (very cute). It was also Aunty C’s birthday this week, and they all, with Uncle J, went to our favourite bread shop/cafe to celebrate.
Saturday saw us make a family trip to Surry Hills for breakfast together, and we looked at the Surry Hills festival. Puff had a shaved ice drink with no flavouring, which he loved. After that, we headed to Woronora cemetery for their open day. Puff had a great time looking around, enjoying a free sausage sizzle, but his favourite part was getting to operate one of the excavators (with the keys out of the ignition). He was using every one of the controls he could reach!
Friday night saw us catch up with S and meet her 3 kids, and also see N&S and their 3 kids. Lots of fun, and a late night. Sunday we saw A&D for lunch, and then made it to night church as a family. It’s getting trickier to be out at that particular hour, but we somehow made it work.
Puff is spending a lot more time drawing: on paper with pencils and crayons, outside with chalk, and (regrettably) on his little wooden table with pencils when no-one is looking. His hand-eye coordination is improving, and he’s starting to draw big circles, and sevens.
A problem with the trains on Tuesday saw Dad get a lift to work, and so Huff and Puff made their first appearance back at Dad’s work since Huff’s arrival. Everyone was very impressed with how cute a baby Huff was, and Puff acquitted himself well with good behaviour, even if he was a little overwhelmed with how many people were there!
One other exciting (to his parents at least) milestone. After months and months of sitting on the potty as part of the pre-bath routine (to get him used to sitting still, and standing up without tipping anything over), we had two consecutive nights of revealing the train on the heat-activated sticker. Exciting stuff.