week 767 / week 639

Another week – celebrating Doc’s 80th party, and heading into another winter.

The oodies are back!

Huff with oodie

Huff had to wear red for athletics carnival, so found this wig at a party shop.

Huff with wig

The wig was then paired with a matching skirt, and off she goes!

Huff with athletics costume

And then, at the end of the week, we had a birthday party for Doc. Huff had a great time with her baby cousins.

Huff at doc s party

Puff has been spending more time working on maths homework, aiming for a solid 2 hours each day as he heads toward an exam. He’s had an impressive run thus far, continuing to work hard on it, and starting to feel some of the resulting confidence. He’s still logging some impressive results on some video games as well.

Puff with laptop

Oh, and Huff and Dad watched another Movie on the weekend with a friend.

On to next week!

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