week 764-766 / week 636-638

And we are back; I’d convinced myself that I had written another post since the last one. 

A few things to catch up with. Somehow Dad and Huff were twinning. Dad is a bit sad about how much taller she is getting.

Huff and dad twinning as huff grows ever

And of course this was Mother’s Day – we had brunch together at a favourite haunt.

Mothers day brunch

Huff is loving this Hogwarts jumper; here she is helping take the dog for a walk.

Huff with pippin

Puff is also enjoying feeding the dog the occasional sample of peanut butter, the latter’s favourite snack.

Puff feeding pippin

Huff is still slowly getting healthier again post-COVID but has had some days where she hasn’t felt too well.

Huff and Dad

We also managed a trip down to Wollongong and caught up with the cousins; Puff was happy to be getting bubble tea with his cousin.

Puff smiling

And then later in the three weeks we had another trip to a more floral looking bubble tea place. See if you can spot the concealed child.

Huff and puff at a bubble tea shop

And then this weekend our friend Tom was running a painting workshop, so we all went as a family to learn how to paint on canvas. Much fun.

Family getting ready to paint

See you next week!

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