week 742-743 / week 614-615

Another big fortnight with the birth of another cousin for the kids, the end of primary school for Huff, the end of year 9 for Puff. So much going on, but there was still time for Dad to spend some time with the kids. Here’s Huff trying on Dad’s new glasses.

Huff with Dad s glasses

We managed to put up and decorate the tree – note how much taller Puff is than the tree now.

Puff towering over Christmas tree

Puff had an end of year concert where he was playing the violin in a Star Wars medley.

Puff playing the violin on disney night

Huff had her end-of-year-6 dinner (Dad was on zoom the whole time for this one, but managed a quick photo before she left).

Huff going to year 6 dance

We went to primary school for the last time and snapped a family photo together. Puff raced across town to get back in time, and Huff was in high spirits saying goodbye to her friends.

Family photo at year 6 farewell

Puff had the chance to wear his Christmas t-shirt.

Puff at huff s year 6 farewell

Dad and Huff went to the movies together to watch Matilda the Musical the Movie.

Huff and Dad at the movies

Huff really enjoyed it. Dad also enjoyed it.

Huff at the movies

Instead of a movie, Dad took Puff to Cabramatta in search of dinner and dessert. So many options.

Puff at cabramatta

We said farewell to the librarian from Huff’s school (another farewell assembly).

Huff and retiring school librarian

Huff had the chance to spend time with her cousin again (but not yet her newest cousin).


Oh, and Huff added some purple to some of her hair.

Huff with new hair

There was a photo frame prop for the year 6’s to capture their last week.

Huff at end of year 6

And Huff also dressed up for the Disney-themed music concert at Puff’s school.

Huff and puff at music performance

Here’s the difference between first day of school and last.

Huff start and end of primary school

Now, with school over, Dad is working to get ready for Summer Camp next week, so Mum took the kids out for some Christmas shopping.

Mum with huff and puff waiting for a train

And that’s about it for the fortnight. 


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