Dad has been travelling a bit so there are not as many photos as usual. Lots of events, though.
Huff was performing at the Opera House in a choral concert. In between rehearsal and performance we had ice cream.

There was a father/daughter event at Huff’s school so we played some games together (including Dad being the unlikely teacher of Huff in how to bounce a basketball), and play on the slide that she has largely outgrown.

Puff has been using his emerging AV skills to do more and more volunteer work, and then Dad has the occasional opportunity to spend time catching up with him. Finishing his maths exams for the year has helped him feel like he has more time.

On Sunday morning Mum went out for breakfast with friends, so Dad and Huff and Puff went out separately for breakfast. Huff found a transformer toy and figured out how to make it transform.

Huff had a dance recital for her school dance group and did an amazing job of dancing.

Huff also went to a camp with some friends from church. Puff and the dog went to see her off (Dad was away on a road trip for work).

While Huff was away at camp, we went out for lunch, where Dad and Puff practiced our being-photographed-together skills by actually smiling. It’s still a work in progress.