Is there any significance in the appearance of Puff’s little sister as we settle in for week 128 (two to the power of seven) of Puff’s blog? No. But it might make it easier for Dad to remember!
A great many thanks must go to C&J, who have done a fantastic job looking after Puff these past few days. He’s enjoyed spending time with them, and with their alphabet puzzle (which he uses to ‘write’ peoples’ names) and their cats (who often get a big mention in his free-form speech during the day).
He spent a bunch of time today talking about Bentley cat and Slinky.
The lead-up to Huff’s arrival was packed with different activities, last minute purchases and the like. Here we were grabbing a smoothie in between one lot of shopping (nappies) and the next (groceries). Oddly, he started shivering not long after drinking it (it could well have been the long-awaited Sydney cool change, and it stopped soon after leaving the store.
Adjusting to being a big brother is still in progress. Initially, he was happy to meet with Huff, and even to gently stroke her head. The tricky part – surprisingly to us – was that he was a bit standoffish with his Mum. We fixed this on day 2 with the tried-and-tested method of using food. Here he is having a picnic with Mum on her hospital bed. They both had a great time!
With lots of time sitting still and being quiet required, he’s spending a lot of extra time on screens at the moment. His use of the iPhone is interesting: he uses voice recorder to record and listen to the sound of his voice. He uses calculator to write numbers, sometimes watching a clock radio, then typing up the numbers he can see.
One of the options for avoiding the iPhone is to give him a puzzle to do. Here he is playing with his Penguin puzzle.
Lots of visitors today, mostly family members and a few friends to pad out the numbers. Some concentrated solely on the new baby, some on Puff as well. At the moment, he’s tired and out of sorts, but is still generally quite well behaved (thanks again to C&J for bearing the brunt of his bad behaviour). Looking forward to having him back home, and back to a more comforting routine.