week 710 / week 582

Back to school for our first full school week, and in the shadow of a teachers’ strike tomorrow: the kids’ first one.

Dad picked up Huff from school and stopped for hot chocolate when it emerged that she would be walking home with a grazed knee.

huff with hot chocolate

Puff’s glasses arrived, so he’s been spending the week getting used to them: they’re for close-up work.

puff with new glasses

Dad is teaching Sunday School this month: it was a slow start so far with only three kids including Huff! We visited cousin A and V at their place after church. 

huff and puff with cousin A

And that’s about it: lots of time at home, Huff still feeling the weight of bronchitis a bit so we’re trying to get a second opinion on that. And despite the teachers’ strike, Huff and Puff still have to get up early for swimming lessons.

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