week 127

What a week! We’re now counting down to Huff’s arrival, and should have photos of the new addition for next week’s blog post.

We’re trying to fit in as much as possible in these last few days. There are people and places to see, and lots of things to do. Of course, this needs to be balanced with trying to catch up on rest as much as possible.

On Australia Day, we caught up with some friends (and their kids, C&J) for breakfast. Having just returned from the states, they brought Puff a gift. Here he is trying it on.

at least it's Disney, right?

After breakfast (a big fruit platter), he had a lot of energy to burn off, and so he spent some time running back and forth from this statue.

running on Australia Day

On Friday night we visited some of Kel’s family: the place where he’d tried M&M’s for the first time at Christmas. As soon as he reached the table, he asked about M&Ms, and so when he’d eaten his dinner, he was rewarded with a few, in his own bowl.


Saturday we bought a new stroller: – one that we will be able to adapt into a two-child stroller when the time comes. It was a bit pricey, but it’s really easy to push, and packs up smaller than our old stroller, so hopefully it will be worthwhile.

new stroller

Saturday night we went out for dinner, to a Japanese restaurant. Dad was being a bit silly and asked if Puff wanted to eat dinner with a fork or with chopsticks, and he chose chopsticks. It was a bit beyond his skill level, but he had a great time trying.

Today we had the last visit with the midwife. Keeping Puff amused was a challenge, but he was pretty enamoured with the digital scales. Here he is climbing on and off them, with a surprise backing track courtesy of Huff.

One last thing: Puff had been getting out of bed by himself and finding us, but that was getting earlier and earlier. On Saturday, we bought him a clock radio that he calls his “seven oh oh clock”. We’ve had some problems with having him wait until 7am to get up and start his day, but we’re trying to stay consistent with him as much as possible.

See you next week!