week 697 / week 569

After last week’s trip to the ocean, where Huff picked a colour for the front door, Dad and Huff painted the front door a bright blue, which has cheered up the front of the house considerably.

huff helping paint the front door

On the weekend (the last weekend of the school holidays) we made a quick trip up to the blue mountains, stopping for breakfast at one of the cafes on Dad’s “to visit” list for breakfast. Puff was borrowing Mum’s phone to answer some messages from his friends.

huff and puff in a cafe in the blue mountains

Then we met Aunty S and Uncle N for lunch at a pizza place they had introduced us to. Huff walked their dog for a while. 

huff walking a dog

We paused for a family photo.

family photo after a day out

And another family photo – out for some end-of-holidays yoghurt.

last night of the holidays yogurberry

And then all of a sudden, it was time to head back to school. Puff was doing his best to smile in the photo despite needing to race to the car for the start of the first maths lesson for the year… there will be a lot more 7:30am starts still to come.

first day of school for huff and puff

Coming next week (hopefully) some examples of 3D printing; a friend has set us up with the requisite equipment, we just need to get it ready to use.

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