week 696 / week 568

Another week of what is becoming school-holiday-normal. Dad was on zoom helping to run an online event, while the kids were mostly staying home. Puff had a day out at a friend’s house where they played a board game for many many hours (and almost finished the game). We turned that pick-up into a trek out to buy school shoes, the size of which drift ever closer to the parents’ shoe size.

Mum and Huff spent some time running errands, and did some visiting as well (yes, that’s a surgical mask around Huff’s wrist, her preferred way to carry it).

huff in the outdoors

After reminding Dad that the Dad-Huff time ratio has been pretty low of late, Dad took a break from sermon writing, and took Huff out to a cafe, and to walk near the ocean. We had a great time looking at the waves, and saw two rats running around near the path we were on.

The cafe was much nicer.

huff at a cafe with Dad

And Pineapple continues to make his presence in the house known. his current interest is in shiny things: earrings, braces, whatever he can reach, but it’s great to see the happiness the bird brings to Puff.

puff and pineapple

Last week of holidays to come, and then back to the new school routine, whatever that may look like!

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