week 684 / week 556

(A day late due to Dad’s work schedule)

And just like that, the long lockdown was over; not with a bang, but with a whimper. We had some pizza for dinner (well, kids had pizza, Mum and Dad had Thai food), and then we had our last weekend before school returned.

Puff had a lot of homework to get through, so Dad took Huff out for some father-daughter time instead. We returned to the scene of the chickens-in-trees, and saw chickens, but alas not in trees. We did see some peacocks though.

dad, peacocks and huff

We saw the cousins!mum and birthday treats

Sunday morning (Huff was disappointed we were too late out of bed to go to the beach) we went to look at the beach.

huff at the ocean again

And then it was time to head back to school.

mum huff and puff

And then a quick family photo and we raced into the car.

first day post lockdown

And then as quickly as it had started, the school day was over, and we all headed back home.

puff walking home from school

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