Lots of celebrations for Fathers’ Day this weekend. Dad took the kids out for a bush walk within our 5km lockdown allowable exercise radius, so we drove to a near-ish-by park, stocked up on some sugary food (which was eaten in the car before we started).
Here’s Puff waiting for food.
Here’s Huff waiting for food.
After walking for a couple of kilometres, Huff realised which park we were in, and then figured out that there was a sand-water interface at the edge of the park, and was delighted to be (more or less) at the beach.
We took a quick selfie to celebrate our adventure.
And then it was back home again to do homework and uni work.
Mum made sure that there was lots of delicious food on the day, and we had church on the TV, called Doc for Fathers’ Day, and streamed various movies on the TV (Father of the Bride, Dolittle, and the Secret Life of Walter Mitty). So a pretty low-key day, but a good chance to celebrate being a Dad.