Happy Easter! We had a very enjoyable long weekend with family and friends. On Good Friday, Dad took the kids for a pre-church walk. Huff found her favourite “heroic pose” rock, and paused for a photo.
We had a fun time, and the kids were talking about other things they remembered from previous walks, which was reassuring that they are remembering their outings with Dad.
In the afternoon, Dad and Huff watched the new Disney movie. It was good to have some time together.
We had Aunty S and uncle N come over for dinner and a game of Catan, and Puff won!
And the kids had the chance to meet a friend’s new puppy.
They enjoyed meeting the puppy much more than being photographed.
Other highlights were a picnic with Aunty C and Uncle J, seeing Doc and Uncle A, and seeing our church friends (and having lunch with some of them).