week 653 / week 525

The photos are back! The kids spent a day with their uncle and aunt while Mum and Dad went to a Saturday training course on how to be better at conflict resolution, and then Dad disappeared as has been his custom, to work on a uni assignment.

The weather has been rainy for four to five days, but in our particular part of Sydney it hasn’t been a big inconvenience – others we’re talking to are much worse off, so it’s been a chance to reflect and be grateful on what we have.

There was still time during the week for a coffee run with Huff on the way home from school.

huff with hot chocolate

And we’re back to having kids church at church, so Huff had the chance, with her classmates, to share what she’s been learning.

huff talking about kids church

Puff is too old now for kids church, so he sits in church and listens to the sermon.

puff at church

Huff wasn’t sure about leaving the house in the rain, but was glad she did.

huff thinking about rainy weather

We’re still a bit out of the habit of taking photos as we go, but hopefully this will pick up again when Dad’s studying is on two weeks’ hiatus between subjects!

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