week 79

If I had to pick any single characteristic of this week, it would be the book “Fox in Socks” by Dr Seuss. I naively thought that Puff might find it amusing to hear the words in the book, and that he’d quickly grow bored of it and move on to something else. Not so.

I think I’ve read the book more times in this last week than ever before in my life, and it’s just the beginning of his passion for the book. Here he is sitting on a blanket in the backyard while Dad hangs out washing hoping – in vain – that he might try and help with the pegs.

fox in socks

Puff went out with Mum a few times this week to visit different people. Here he is enjoying some corn in the comfort of his stroller.


While playing around in his usual play area, he’s been increasingly interested in pushing the boundaries of where he’s allowed to play, and what he’s allowed to interact with. Though he’s still fairly obedient (he will often do as he’s told while complaining about it), he has moments of being more and more stubborn about what he will and won’t do.

in giant beanie

As we spend more and more time taking him outside and to play in different situations, he’s developing more confidence in what he can do. Here he is on a special slippery dip for people his size:

Sunday, with tsunami warnings abounding, we changed our plans from a trip to Sydney Harbour to a trip to Katoomba. The Three Sisters have been massively overdeveloped for tourism, but it was hard to resist taking a photo of Puff next to this giant toy koala.

with giant koala

A few other adventures from this week:
* going to Cronulla on Friday night for a sunset play on the equipment, some dinner out, and a night-time trip to Grind
* still having a cold
* having – again – to clean the bath suddenly and without much notice
* visiting Grandma and Doc, Aunty Sarah (back from uni), Uncle Andrew and Uncle Jonathan