week 71

This week saw us travel to Canberra to visit friends, visit the last Sydney coffee tweetup for the year, ring in the new year, swim, swing, and play. Dad had five out of seven days off work, and was just getting used to being around all the time when it was time to head back to work. That first morning of heading back to work was a little tough – I was reminded again to be sure that what I’m doing with my time at work is worth missing out on watching Puff grow up.

Moving on to some pictures. Puff had a great time visiting with J and N down in Canberra, and wasn’t shy at all in moving around the house.

crawling in canberra

When we returned to Sydney, we raced to a physio appointment for Mum while Dad gave Puff his lunch in the waiting room. From there, we headed over to a tweet-up in Glebe, where Puff impressed everyone with his good behaviour.

last tweet-up for the year

For New Year’s Eve, we went to friends’ new house where Puff played with baby E a little bit, and then Mum and Dad stayed up to play Halo, watch fireworks, and play more Halo.

dinner on new year's eve

In the New Year, we had a great time swimming and playing at Ryde Aquatic Centre – he really loved the water (and even the wave pool), and was probably swimming for an hour or an hour and a half before we went to the other corner of the centre for a barbecue, all for A’s birthday.

at A's first birthday party

After the birthday party was over, we dashed over to Koorong to grab some books for Dad (a couple of Hebrew items and a commentary on James) – it turns out that Puff is now big enough to enjoy some aspects of the playground there!

the playground at koorong

We also made a trip over to Grandma and Grandad’s house, and had a quick go at some of the play equipment there: the favourite was probably the swing (or perhaps it was just the easiest to photograph).

swings near grandma and grandad's

Another morning we went out for breakfast, and Puff – who has been developing a great love of trying the milky “froth” from the top of decaf coffees managed to get almost all the way through a babycino (Mum helped a bit towards the end when the spilling started to get out of control).

loving the babycinos

We’re putting some more wheat into his diet, though he still eats a lot of gluten free food. We continue to be amazed at just how good natured and well behaved he is – he’s a great baby.