week 69

Somehow Christmas is only a few days away! There’s been a flurry of activity in the last week: some family things are going on, meaning a few extra trips out, and even a couple of late nights.

Saturday saw us make a trip to Cordial at Newtown for breakfast with Uncle Jonathan and Cathy. Puff had his first go of normal wholegrain toast. He seemed to like it well enough, and not suffer any ill-effects from it, but we’re still mostly keeping him on gluten-free bread for now.

breakfast at cordial

Another high point for Puff’s week was sitting on Grandma’s lap, having a book read to him. Grandma reads much more slowly and carefully to him, pointing out all the details of each page. He was a bit unsettled at first, but settled down a page or two into the book.

grandma reads a story

Monday night we had dinner with Aunty Chan and Uncle Jordan at B&J’s new place, giving Puff a chance to play with C&J and their play equipment. Despite being a bit over-tired, he had a great time on the swing.

playing on the swing

When he’d had enough of the swing, he had a go at walking (with Dad holding his hands) all the way across the grassy backyard, and then climbing up the slide. This was quite different to his level of success trying to crawl on grass, where he (somehow) lifts up his hands and feet so they’re not touching the grass!

climbing up the slide

When Dad was carrying J for a while, Puff started to get stressed, and so Dad ended up holding both of them for long enough to snap a few photos.

visiting at J's house

Lastly, this week has marked our best attempts so far to teach Puff how to eat with a spoon. Here’s part of a sample lesson. Note that he’s already been spoon-fed most of the yoghurt (nyo-gut) from the cup before the lesson begins.