Another week where life continues on mostly in its normal pattern. Mum made a return visit to Rhodes shopping centre this week, where Puff is now big enough to sit in one of the food court chairs quite comfortably. We continue to be amazed at how (generally) well behaved he can be, especially when he’s eating.
Saturday saw Mum give up her sleep-in to prepare a cake for a party. Puff and Dad went to the party too, and Puff had the chance to meet a couple of rabbits. He didn’t want to say “rabbit”, though, and was content to say “Rat” instead: not quite the same, but he wouldn’t be persuaded otherwise.
Much of his waking time is spent playing with various toys and ripping up his alphabet floor mat. We’ve been encouraging him to say the names of the letters that he’s picking up, and he can manage some of them with a fair degree of accuracy now.
More challenging was when he’d picked up a few vowels, and we attempted to read through the refrain of “Old MacDonald”. He does better when it’s just the song – he can now say “farm” at the right places, and about a third of the time will chip in with “O” at the end of “E-I-E-I”. It’s encouraging to see this kind of progress.
It seems that he’s still waiting to get his molars – he’s often dribbling out water, or chewing on whatever happens to be nearby. In this case, it’s the block he’s holding.
Though not walking unassisted yet, he will happily walk along (for a while) if you hold his hands, and he is fairly steady on his feet. When he has furniture at the right height to hold on to, he will stand up and play while standing up:
And that’s about it for this week: see you next week!