week 64

This week was mum and dad’s 8th wedding anniversary, so we didn’t spend as much time with Puff as usual – we even had a night out together with Puff at home (thanks to C&J for looking after him)!

Not a lot of photos this week: Saturday saw us take a long drive over to Balmain to pick up treats from Adriano Zumbo’s patisserie so that we could have afternoon tea with G and B – sadly, with the cakes looking so amazing, we didn’t grab any photos of Puff!

Monday night saw us take a trip to Pancakes at the Rocks for dinner with some of Dad’s old workmates from a past job: Puff showed off how well behaved he could be, and posed for a photo with Dad, who is well and truly showing the scars of Movember.

with movember dad

The crowded restaurant was a great choice: Puff – when he wasn’t eating – kept himself quietly entertained just by looking around.

relaxing at pancakes at the rocks

Back at home, he is fascinated with taking the floor mats apart: he seems especially interested in the letter “B”: – probably because it has two little pieces that he can take out of the B. Beyond that, he will take one (or both) of the pieces, and hide them in his toybox.

playing with B

Still no sign of walking, but he says “done” really clearly, and with the right prompting he can say “Dad. Na-na. Please.” He’s learning more and more words, and his skills for mimicry are improving.